The network policy and acceptable use agreement in my district had not had a real revision since 1999, the year the first BlackBerry mobile device came out. The time was ripe. I researched and stole (with permission) liberally. Here are the three best examples I was able to find at the time:
- Forest Green School - Technology Innovation Plan
- Mooresville Graded School District - Technology Responsible Use Agreement
- Portsmouth School Department - Responsible Computer, Network and Internet Policy
With these examples I wrote a new policy. The responsible use agreement that goes with the policy is a simple reflection of that policy. Borrowing heavily from the Portsmouth work I added language to address social networking and use of students' personal devices. If you look at the draft I've shared you can see old policy lined out and additions in red for comparison's sake. The new policy moved quickly through committee with small changes and was passed by the board.
- The District respects the right of employees and students to use social media and networking sites, message boards and forums, as well as personal websites and blogs. Personal use of these sites should not damage the reputation of the BCSD, its employees, students or their families and should be consistent with the School District’s educational objectives, mission and curriculum.
In the two years since it was written this language may have become antiquated. I would be keen to hear your suggestions for improving it.